Rafa's Blog


2024-05-22 by Rafa



When I started this company, I knew exactly what kind of help Japanese clients and students would need. After all, I had seen countless times the same mistakes and misconceptions that Japanese students make when speaking English. From all my time coaching students, there were simple mistakes, such as:


  • Lack of plurals (in sentences) - for example, "David likes his two dog"
  • Lack of articles (in sentences) - for example "He is great friend of mine"


But as time went on, I started noticing that there were mistakes not just in grammar, but also in the overall communication between the Japanese and English speakers:


  • Closed-ended answers to open questions - for example, Brad asks: "How was your day?" and Takahiro answers, "Good"
  • Apologies for a less-than-perfect English - for example, Takahiro would start a conversation with Brad by saying, "Sorry for my bad English"
  • Dismissive words - for example, Takahiro would answer Brad by saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah"


These are not only mistakes. They are counterproductive to your meetings, presentations, and small-talks. They may sound simple or not very important, but, if not corrected, they may be the deciding factor in making a new friend or even closing a business deal.


That is exactly the kind of practical work we do in our sessions at MaxUP. I teach you not only the simple mistakes, but the mindset behind a successful communication in English.


For this reason, I am so excited to coach Japanese students and delighted with your joining us.


Welcome and I trust your experience will be both successful and rewarding.


Yours Truly,



30DAY Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with our sessions or feel your level has not improved at all, please contact us for a refund. We will provide you with a 100% refund for the last month of your lessons or the remaining period of sessions.

Book a FREE chat!


ラファコーチの英会話レッスンを1年間受けました。彼のレッスンは柔軟で、私のニーズに合わせてくれました。例えば、私はボキャブラリーを増やしたかったので、彼が提供する記事から学んだ新しい単語を使って作った文章を添削してくれるよう頼みました。彼は私が書いた文章を声に出して読むように勧め、発音と文法の両方を直してくれた。ラファコーチは私の経歴や興味を尊重し、私のスキルアップに適した教材を選んでくれました。先生のレッスンはいつもフレンドリーで、話すときにストレスを感じることはありませんでした。先生のレッスンを通して、英会話の上達には自分の考えを表現することが重要であることを学び、様々なトピックについてデ ...more

Rafaはとても穏やかな先生で、言いたいことが言えない時にも急かさずに我慢強く耳を傾けてくれます。緊張して話せないとか、グイグイ来られるのが苦手という方は、Rafaとの優しい癒やしの時間でゆっくり英語への苦手意識が克服されていくと思います。 ...more

ラファ先生はとても仕事がしやすく、私たちのレベルに合わせてレッスン内容を工夫してくれました。 また、私のスピーキングスキルを向上させるために、口頭とチャットの両方でフィードバックをくれました。私のような中級レベルの生徒には、ぜひラファ先生を勧めたいと思います。 ...more


Over 500 students coached
100% fully satisfied students
5 years of service to students



  • 1:1 private coaching
  • Versant+TOEICscores significantly improved
  • Learn English with as little as 30 minutes per day