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Ideal for intermediate to advanced students of English, international travelers, conference attendants, and general learners of the language.


Ideal for high-school and university students, both in Japan and in English-speaking countries; persons aiming to get a high TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS score, and those aiming to enter a foreign university program.


Ideal for business executives, corporate professionals, and those aiming to enter the workforce, especially in English-speaking environments.


Over 500 students coached
100% fully satisfied students
5 years of service to students



  • 1:1 private coaching
  • Versant+TOEICscores significantly improved
  • Learn English with as little as 30 minutes per day



MaxUP’s personalized programs are completely customized for each individual student. That means that no student will get the same contents, advice, and experience over their programs and sessions.


While other companies advertise 3 hours a day of studying for all students as “very practical”, we believe that each student needs a customized way of learning and being coached. After all, no one learns a language and its skills the same way – so why should you have to follow the crowd?


We understand that lots of other companies advertise “a new method of learning English” in an “extremely fast way.” And while they promote the idea of having your own English plan and a consultant “just for you,” seldom does anybody actually learn English after 1 year or finishes the program very satisfied. That is why we killed the “talk to a dedicated consultant” and “send in a diary every day” steps to focus on what really matters: you and your coaching sessions.


Have sessions directly with the CEO, rather than outsourced and overworked teachers from all kinds of countries. Often, in other companies, these teachers will send you general materials for discussions in robotic lessons. Not us. Our priority is in providing customized sessions where you can take charge of the discussions, make your presentations, and negotiate your deals – just like in the real world.


Guided by your coach, your sessions will cover a variety of topics and will be customized to your needs. For daily conversations students, for instance, have a casual conversation about your next trip or, even better, practice what to say while on the trip! Learn ways to socialize better among foreigners in a party, approach others in a meeting, and express your thoughts in a confident way.


For academic students, get the support you need to succeed before and during your university studies – while in Japan or in a foreign country. Take academic tests with the confidence and practice you need. Get guidance for studying for the TOEFL or IELTS, for example, and improve your university entrance essays.


Finally, for our corporate students, get ongoing guidance for dealing with global coworkers and customers. In a weekly session, for instance, casually talk about how to proceed on that project with your coworker or get advice on how to make a memorable presentation. Learn business expressions, ways to better express your opinions, and negotiate that deal.


30DAY Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with our sessions or feel your level has not improved at all, please contact us for a refund. We will provide you with a 100% refund for the last month of your lessons or the remaining period of sessions.

Book a FREE chat!


Rafaは、とても明るく、気さくなコーチです。 とても話しやすい雰囲気を作ってくれるので、学習レベルに関係なく 英語を話す楽しさを感じることができると思います。 レッスンでは、ぜひ自分から積極的に話しかけてみてください! ...more

Rafa先生はとても熱心な教育者であり、親切で丁寧な指導をしてくれます。 いつも授業は楽しく、学ぶ意欲を引き出す工夫がたくさんあります。また、私のニーズに応じたカスタマイズされた教材を用意してくださるため、 効果的に学習を進めることができます。Rafa先生は発音や文法の指導も的確で、英語の実力を確実に向上させてくれます。 さらに、文化や生活についての知識も豊富で、会話の幅が広がります。私はRafa先生のクラスを受けて、自信を持って英語を話せるようになりました。 Rafa先生の授業を受けることは、英語力の向上だけでなく、素晴らしい学びの経験を提供してくれます。 Ra ...more

私は、1年3か月間、週1回30分間のプライベートレッスンを受けました。 私がレッスンを通じて得られたことは、主に次の3つです。 1.レッスン冒頭のフリートークを通じて、自分の身の回りで起きていることや感じていることを、気軽に話せ るようになりました。 2.自分の地域のことを紹介するプレゼンテーションを作成し発表することを練習しました。これは、実際に 外国メディアの方との会話に役立ちました。 3.毎回の課題(記事)は、テーマが様々で、興味深いものでした。また、必ず自分の意見を述べなければい けないので、考える習慣も身についたと思います。 いつも、優しく間違いを教えてくださり、気兼 ...more


Born out of the need of the Japanese community to better understand and communicate with their global counterparts, behave more confidently, and succeed around the world, MaxUP has been the go-to coaching services for many individuals who desire something more than the ordinary, big-name companies that promise a lot but deliver very little. Over the years, we have coached many individuals with a high level of success: from sports stars to corporate CEOs, VPs, and CFOs. While based in Nagoya, our company primarily operates online with a focus on bringing the best resources and expertise to you. Our sessions are designed specifically for each student, and no one has the same experience, materials, or advice.

All the process is designed and done exclusively by MaxUP’s CEO, Rafael Bolognini. That means no passing around through countless consultants or changing teachers and the focus always remains on you. Your sessions, from the beginning, are designed with the CEO, which allows you to build a bond and trust with him to flourish as a student, person, and professional.

Get in touch with us today and discover a new world of possibilities!


Our introduction video:



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Welcome!   When I started this company, I knew exactly what kind of help Japanese clients and students would need. After all, I had seen countless times the same mistakes and misconceptions that Japanese students make when speaking English. From all my time coaching students, there were simple mistakes, such as:   Lack of plurals (in sentences) - for example, "David likes his two d ...
